Structural Interest Rate and Structural Exchange Rate Risk


To determine and manage the Bank’s exposure to structural interest rate risk arising from potential maturity mismatches in its balance sheet, the Structural Interest Rate Risk that is managed subject to the policy approved by the Board of Directors is monitored by measuring duration gap, economic value of equity (EVE), economic capital (ECAP), credit spread risk, net interest income (NII), earnings at risk (EaR), and market price sensitivity of securities portfolios followed up in the banking book.

The risk metrics calculated and the reports generated are used for managing balance sheet interest rate risk under the supervision of the Assets and Liabilities Committee (ALCO).

Stress tests and scenario analyses are carried out within the framework of structural interest rate risk to measure the risks resulting from Bank-specific negative developments or major risks and vulnerabilities that may potentially arise in the economic and financial environment under stress, by observing the regulatory and internal interest rate risk management requirements.

Results of stress tests are used as input for determining risk appetite, limit and budget-related works, for generating balance sheet management strategies, and for evaluating the need for capital.

Within this framework, internal alerts and limits for EVE sensitivity, ECAP, NII sensitivity, earnings at risk, credit spread risk, securities revaluation differences, and EVE sensitivity of securities portfolio are regularly monitored and reported. The interest rate risk in the banking book is measured on an unconsolidated basis, using the standard shock method; the regulatory limit is monitored and reported to the Banking Regulation and Supervision Agency (BRSA) on a monthly basis.

Structural interest rate risk internal measurements, stress tests and scenario analyses are conducted within the frame of ICAAP and stress testing.


With respect to the Structural Exchange Rate Risk that is managed subject to the policy approved by the Board of Directors, the potential impact of negative exchange rate fluctuations upon the capital adequacy ratio and FC risk-weighted assets are regularly followed up, monitored according to internal limits, and reported, in the case that the Bank performs material operations in currencies other than the local currency in its balance sheet or maintains positions for shareholders’ equity hedging purposes. The analyses conducted in this framework are expanded to encompass potential sensitivities that may result from Bank- specific negative events or changes in the market by supervising the regulatory and internal structural exchange rate risk management requirements. In addition, the Bank’s FC position and the profit/loss movements resulting from this position are monitored and reported at regular intervals.

Internal exchange rate risk internal capital calculations, stress tests and scenario analyses are conducted annually within the scope of ICAAP and stress testing.