Corporate Crisis and Business Continuity Management Committee

Type of Committee: Main Committees

Subcommittee Type: Orientation / Coordination

Committee's Aim / Responsibilities: The Cost Management Committee's mission is to support the local Steering Committee in order to control costs within the context of real revenue performance (operating efficiency) and to achieve savings against the budget by optimizing budget implementation over the course of the year.

The Committee is also responsible for:

  • Provides support and guidance for the creation of business continuity management plans.
  • Provides support, and guidance for the establishment of the business continuity policy and business continuity program, which determines the Bank's business continuity vision and principles, in line with the Bank's strategic objectives. Provides support, and guidance for the progress of the business continuity management program in line with policies and objectives.
  • Evaluates and approves the test and exercise schedule and test methods determined within the scope of business continuity. Evaluates the test reports and provides support for the necessary improvements for the identified development areas.
  • Evaluates the internal and external audit outputs for the business continuity program and determines the priorities of the development areas identified in the reports.
  • Evaluates and approves the recovery solutions determined within the scope of business continuity management program within the determined budget.
  • Evaluates the effectiveness, suitability and adequacy of the business continuity program.
  • Ensures compliance with business continuity management policies, standards, risk reduction controls and procedures throughout the Bank.
  • Encourages the adoption and implementation of the roles and responsibilities determined in the business continuity policy within the bank organization.
  • Enables the spread of business continuity culture and awareness within the bank.
  • Participates in trainings and plan exercises in order to increase the maturity level in crisis preparation and rapid response.

Committee History: Established on July 2019.

Meeting Frequency: The Committee meets at least once a year and in crisis situations.

Number of Meetings (2024): 2 meetings were conducted. (May, August)

Number of Meetings (2025): 1 meeting was conducted. (February)

Committee Members 

Committee Members Committee Members' Titles Committee Members' Roles
Mahmut Akten CEO / Board Member President
İlker Kuruöz Engineering & Data EVP Vice President
Emre Kunt TC - Service Resilience and Continuity Unit Manager Coordinator
Aydın Düren Board Member / Responsible for Legal Services Member
Ebru Taşçı Firuzbay Talent & Culture EVP Member
Aydın Güler Finance & Treasury EVP Member
Ceren Acer Kezik Retail Banking EVP Member
Sibel Kaya SME Banking EVP Member
Cemal Onaran Commercial Banking EVP Member
Sinem Edige Corporate, Investment Banking & Global Markets EVP Member
Murat Atay Chief Credit Risk Officer Member
Fatih Bektaşoğlu TC-Technology Center Director Member
Selen Kuruten TC - Application Services Resilience Mgmt.-2 Unit Manager Member
Burçin Çimşit TC - Business Continuity Manager Member / Secretary