Risk Committee
Type of Committee: Main committee
Subcommittee Type: Legal / Approved by Board Members
Committee's Aim / Responsibilities:
The committee's responsibilities are as follows:
- Monitor and oversee the strategy and general risk policies of the Bank and to review the risk appetite declaration and core metrics, risk tolerance levels, limit structure, and metrics, taking into consideration the strength of the Bank's capital and the overall quality of risk management, measurement and reporting,
- Review and approve, as appropriate, the corporate risk policies for each risk type, and the yearly limits for each risk type and business area with the level of detail that may be deemed appropriate at the time,
- Review and approve, as appropriate, measures to mitigate the impact of identified risk, should these materialize,
- Monitor the evolution of the global risk profile and the Bank's risk exposure, by type of risk, business line, product, or customer segment, and how these compare to the risk strategy and policies and the risk appetite,
- Assess the adequacy of the risk information and risk internal control systems in the Bank to guarantee the appropriate functioning of risk management as well as the suitability of the structure and working of risk management in the Bank,
- Monitor that pricing of investment and deposit products offered to clients fully take into consideration the business model and risk strategy of the Bank, including a remediation plan should it be necessary,
- Verify that the Bank takes the necessary steps to guarantee the availability of systems, staffing and general resources adequate for the management of risks,
- Analyse and assess the appropriate working of asset valuation, asset classification and risk estimation of the company,
- Promote the continuous development and improvement of advanced risk management model and practices, whilst closely monitoring requirements and recommendations of regulators and supervisors,
- Receive and review reports on capital planning, capital adequacy and provide effective challenge of the enterprise risk management and capital planning processes.
Committee History: Established in December 2015.
Meeting Frequency: The Committee meets once a month.
Number of Meetings (2024): 10 meetings were conducted.
Number of Meetings (2025): 11 meetings have been planned.(Except August)
Committee Members
Jaime Saenz De Tejada Pulido |
Board Member |
Member |
Pablo Alfonso Pastor Munoz |
Board Member |
Member |
Süleyman Sözen |
Board Chairman |
Member |