Data Sharing Committee

Type of Committee: Main committee

Subcommittee Type: Legal / Approved by Board Members

Committee's Aim / Responsibilities:

Particularly the shares that our bank will make with its main partner (“BBVA S.A”),

  • Sharing with its own affiliates,
  • Sharing with all 3rd (third) parties, including the shares with the credit institutions and financial institutions that our bank has a service relationship with,
  • and our Bank's subsidiaries with BBVA S.A,
  • To control the sharing of customer secret and bank secret information within the scope of our bank's legal regulations, to evaluate the appropriateness of the sharing requests and to record these evaluations.
  • Within the scope of the BRSA's "Regulation on Sharing Confidential Information" dated June 2021:
  • Evaluating data sharing requests addressed to our relevant units and making decisions regarding the sharing of these requests,
  • Ensuring that requests are forwarded within the scope of certain forms and standards, through the system or by recording,
  • To provide guidance and support to ensure that the data deemed appropriate to be shared is transferred in accordance with the bank's information and data security standards,
  • To keep an inventory of all posts approved/unapproved by the committee,
  • To determine data sharing rules with 3rd parties and to carry out awareness studies,
  • To ensure that the legislative changes regarding data sharing are followed up and the changes are implemented within the bank.

Committee History: The Committee has established in September 2021.

Meeting Frequency: With the decision taken by the Data Sharing Committee on the relevant date, data sharing requests are evaluated by the sub-working group formed by the legal, compliance, internal control and risk management units through the Corpus system. Therefore, the Data Sharing Committee convenes when it is necessary.

Number of Meetings (2023) : No meeting was conducted.

Number of Meetings (2024) : It will be planned according to the need.

Committee Members 

Committee Members

Committee Members' Titles


Aydın Düren

Board Member / Responsible for Legal Services


Barış Gülcan

Internal Control Director


Emre Özbek

Compliance Director


Özlem Ernart

Head of Risk Management


Osman Bahri Turgut

Director of Internal Audit*


Tolga Alkan

Legal Advisory Services Retail - Legal Counsel

Member / Secretary

Müge Dalkılıç

Legal Advisory Services Retail - Deputy Legal Counsel

Member / Secretary

(*) Participates in the meetings of the Committee as an observer and does not have the right to vote.