Occupational Health and Safety Policy


1.1 This policy has been prepared within the scope of the General Policy and Internal Regulation Framework and Standard, with the decision taken at the meeting of our Board of Directors dated June 16, 2022 and numbered 2471, within the scope of compliance with the Occupational Health and Safety Law and secondary legislation and other relevant legislation for the implementation of this law.


2.1 Purpose

With this policy, it is aimed to establish and disseminate the occupational health and safety culture at Garanti Bankası A.Ş. (the Bank) and to determine the principles, rules and commitments regarding occupational health and safety.

Employees are obliged to comply with this policy, the current Occupational Health and Safety Law and secondary legislation regarding the implementation of this law and other relevant legislation.

2.2 Scope

This policy applies to the employees and activities, as well as the subcontractors, visitors and clients of Garanti Bankası A.Ş.


3.1 Purpose and Objectives of Occupational Health and Safety

Below are the principles determined to create an occupational health and safety culture for the bank, to prevent job accidents and occupational diseases, and to create a safe and healthy work environment:

  • To meet the legal obligations regarding Occupational Health and Safety, to meet the relevant national and international standards and conditions, to take all sorts of measures, to make the relevant tools and personal protective equipment ready and to offer them for use when required with the aim to ensure the safety and health of employees, subcontractors, visitors, clients and those appointed to tasks outside the workplace,
  • To take into consideration our priorities and quantitative and qualitative targets when creating and implementing action plans regarding occupational health and safety, and to lead the development of a culture that values health and safety,
  • With participation by employees and by conducting an efficient risk analysis and assessment, to ensure early detection, elimination or reduction to an acceptable level of the unsafe situations and behaviors that may lead to job accidents and occupational diseases, as well as potential accident risks,
  • To detect the risks that may lead to job accidents or occupational diseases with the aim to ensure the safety and health of the employees, visitors, subcontractors, and to decrease all sorts of potential material and nonmaterial loss,
  • To train employees regarding occupational health and safety in order to raise awareness, ensure that occupational health and safety becomes a culture and make it a lifestyle,
  • To ensure that the subcontractors, visitors and clients at the workplace comply with the applicable legislations as well as the occupational health and safety rules that are in line with the Bank’s standards,
  • To make the Bank an exemplary company in the eyes of the affiliated organizations and clients in terms of occupational health and safety practices,
  • To meet legal obligations and other requirements regarding Occupational Health and Safety with the participation of employees with the aim to perform beyond national and international standards for continuous improvement,
  • To ensure that the job accidents and occupational diseases observed are recorded and reported,
  • To monitor compliance with occupational health and safety rules and to ensure that noncompliances are eliminated,
  • To ensure that the opinions of employees are heard and that the employees are involved in the process.

3.2 Occupational Health and Safety Management System

Occupational Health and Safety management systems and all supporting elements are protected at levels stated in the policies and procedures.

3.3 Training and Information

For the Bank’s employees, various training and information activities are carried out through the methods determined in compliance with the legal legislation regarding occupational health and safety.

3.4 Health Supervision

Workplace incident and occupational disease processes are followed by conducting health surveillance which takes account the health and safety risks that the workforce will be exposed in workplace.

3.5 Risk Analysis and Monitoring

The risk assessment team determined at the workplaces of the Bank carries out field supervision and risk assessment activities. Risk analysis and field observation activities are renewed within the legal time and under the conditions stated in the legislation. Measures for the risks detected are planned and followed up.

3.6 Emergency Plan

The Occupational Health and Safety department prepares emergency plans, which contain the information and actions to be taken in case of an emergency at the bank, and these plans come into effect upon approval by the Board of Directors.


 4.1 Board of Directors

The Board of Directors is responsible for publishing and implementing the Occupational Health and Safety.

 4.2 Occupational Health and Safety

It ensures that occupational health and safety activities are organized and carried out.

The Occupational Health and Safety Department is responsible for the following:

  • To follow the legislation, to review the Policy document once a year and to ensure that it is updated when necessary,
  • To ensure that the existing and newly hired employees are trained and monitored,
  • To ensure that risk assessments are done,
  • To create emergency plans,
  • To create instructions and procedures regarding occupational health and safety,
  • To do periodic field supervisions,
  • To carry out the legal health examinations of the employees,
  • To ensure coordination with the other management units of the Bank and the service supplier(s).


The updating of this document is assessed at least once a year by Occupational Health and Safety upon approval by Senior Management in line with the relevant recommendations and needs. If there is an amendment, it shall come into effect upon approval by the Board of Directors.