Announcement Regarding Bank Bond And Discounted Bond Public Offering
Announcement Regarding Bank Bond And Discounted Bond Public Offering
Pursuant with the Capital Markets Board approval dated Nov.10, 2015; T.Garanti Bankası A.Ş has been authorized regarding (i) the public offering 81-day maturity bank bonds in the nominal amount of 450,000,000 TL, 175-day maturity bank bonds in the nominal amount of 100,000,000 TL and 368-day discounted bonds in the nominal amount of 350,000,000 TL (in total 900,000,000 TL nominal amount) and, (ii) the increase of the public offering issuance amount up to a nominal amount of 1,350,000,000 TL, in case of an excess demand from investors.
In contradiction between the Turkish and English versions of this public disclosure, the Turkish version shall prevail.