Announcement regarding Fitch Ratings

Announcement regarding Fitch Ratings

Fitch Ratings has affirmed Garanti BBVA's Long-Term Foreign-Currency Issuer Default Rating (IDR) at “B”, LongTerm Local Currency IDR at “B+” and the outlooks of such IDRs at Positive, on June 13, 2024. At the same time, Fitch has upgraded Garanti BBVA's Viability Rating (VR) to “b+” from “b” and removed it from Rating Watch Positive placed in March 2024. Bank's current ratings are as follows:


  Current Rating Prior
Long Term FC IDR B / Positive Outlook B / Positive Outlook
Short Term FC IDR B B
Long Term TL IDR B+ / Positive Outlook B+ / Positive Outlook
Short Term TL IDR B B
Viability Rating b+ b (Rating Watch Positive)
Shareholder Support b b
National Long Term Rating AA(tur) AA(tur)
Long term senior unsecured debt B B
Short term senior unsecured debt B B
Subordinated debt B- B-

Announcement regarding Fitch Ratings


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