Announcement regarding Moody’s rating upgrade

Announcement regarding Moody’s rating upgrade

On 19 July 2024, Moody’s upgraded the Government of Turkiye’s sovereign rating to B1 from B3 ( with a positive outlook) and Turkiye’s foreign-currency country ceiling to Ba3 from B2 and the local-currency country ceiling to Ba1 from Ba3. Following this rating action, Moody’s upgraded Garanti BBVA’s Long Term Foreign and Local Currency Deposit Ratings by three notch to Ba3 from B3 on 23 July 2024. Garanti BBVA’s standalone credit assessment (BCA) and Adjusted BCA were also upgraded to b1 and ba3, respectively, from b3. Moody’s stated that: “The upgrade of Garanti BBVA’s standalone BCA to b1, reflects the improvement of the operating environment and a track record of resilient performance by the bank.” Positive outlook on ratings has been maintained.

Bank’s current ratings are as follows:

Moody's Previous Current
Outlook Positive Positive
Long Term FC Deposit B3 (Positive) Ba3 (Positive)
Long Term TL Deposit B3 (Positive) Ba3 (Positive)
Short Term TL Deposit Not - Prime Not - Prime
Short Term FC Deposit Not - Prime Not - Prime
Baseline Credit Assessment - BCA b3 b1
Adjusted BCA b3 ba3
Subordinated Bond (Foreign) Caa2 (hyb) B2 (hyb)
Senior Unsecured Rating (Medium-Term Note Program) (P) B3 (P) Ba3
National Scale Rating (NSR) Long Term Deposit
National Scale Rating (NSR) Short Term TR-2 TR-1

Announcement regarding Moody’s rating upgrade


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