Announcement regarding division of tasks of the Board of Directors and the Committee memberships
Announcement regarding division of tasks of the Board of Directors and the Committee memberships
At our Bank’s Board of Directors’meetings held on April 09, 2015, it was resolved that;
- Ferit Faik Şahenk be elected as the Board of Directors’ Chairman and Süleyman Sözen be elected as the Board of Directors’ Vice Chairman,
- Cüneyt Sezgin and Manuel Pedro Galatas Sanchez-Harguindey be elected as the members of the Audit Committee,
- Süleyman Sözen, Ahmet Kamil Esirtgen, Jaime Saenz De Tejada Pulido and Manuel Castro Aladro be elected as principal members and M. Cüneyt Sezgin and Angel Cano Fernandez be elected as alternate members of the Credit Committee,
- Independent Board Members M. Cüneyt Sezgin, Manuel Pedro Galatas Sanchez-Harguindey and Belkıs Sema Yurdum be elected as members of the Corporate Governance Committee, and the Director of Investor Relations Department determined by the Corporate Governance Committee and announced in the public disclosure dated January 17, 2014 continue duties in accordance with the Corporate Governance Communiqué of the Capital Markets Board,
- Ferit Faik Şahenk and Ignacio Deschamps Gonzales be elected as members of the Remuneration Committee.
- In contradiction between the Turkish and English versions of this public disclosure, the Turkish version shall prevail.