Announcement regarding the issuance of bank bonds

Announcement regarding the issuance of bank bonds

As a result of our application to the Capital Markets Board pursuant to our Board of Directors’ resolution dated January 12, 2012, the registration of our bank bonds and/or debentures in the total nominal amount of TL 2,500,000,000 was published in Capital Markets Board’s weekly bulletin numbered 2012/11.

In this regard, our application to the Capital Markets Board dated April 27, 2012 for the issuance of bank bonds in the aggregate nominal amount of TL 750 million (in case of excess demand, the amount of public offering will be increased to the nominal amount of TL 1 billion); consisting of bank bonds in the nominal amount of TL 350 million with a maturity of 91 days and bank bonds in the nominal amount of TL 400 million with a maturity of 179 days was registered by the Capital Markets Board on May 04, 2012.

Announcement regarding the issuance of bank bonds


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