Announcement regarding the new appointment
Announcement regarding the new appointment
At our Board of Directors meeting dated March 06, 2014, pursuant to Articles 3, 4, 5 and 7 of the Regulation on the Internal Systems of Banks published in the Official Gazette dated 28.06.2012 and numbered 28337 and the decision of the Audit Committee dated 27.02.2014, and within the scope of the strategies and policies determined by the Board of Directors, it was resolved that an upper level position be established, which reports to the Board of Directors with the title of the “Head of Internal Audit and Control” in order to execute and coordinate the activities of the Internal Audit Department, Internal Control Department and Anti-Fraud Monitoring Department and Mr. Osman Bahri TURGUT, who is currently in charge of the Internal Audit Department, be appointed as the Head of Internal Audit and Control, following the completion of necessary legal applications and procedures.