Authorization of the Head Office to undertake the registration operations post completion of the Capital Increase
Authorization of the Head Office to undertake the registration operations post completion of the Capital Increase
We kindly inform you that regarding the issued capital of the Bank being increased by YTL 2,100,000,000 and accordingly from YTL 2,100,000,000 to YTL 4,200,000,000 within the registered capital stock ceiling of the Bank which amounts to YTL 7,000,000,000, the shares in the amount of YTL 2,094,475,071.18 of the total shares representing the increased nominal amount of YTL 2,100,000,000 have been sold for the amount of YTL 2,094,475,201.02 within the framework of terms stated in the Prospectus as a result of shareholders' use of preemptive rights and the remaining shares in the nominal amount of YTL 5,524,928.82 have been sold for the amount of YTL 17,405,276.51 following the public offering on the ISE primary market, and consequently the capital increase has been completed.