Garanti BBVA's "Women Who Know Their Accounts" Program Financial Literacy Trainings Started in Cooperation with KEDV

Garanti BBVA's "Women Who Know Their Accounts" Program Financial Literacy Trainings Started in Cooperation with KEDV

Garanti BBVA's "Women Who Know Their Accounts" program, launched in line with the inclusive growth strategy to increase women's access to financial services and support them in better managing their economies, is expanding its scope with new training sessions.

Sharing his views on the new phase of the program, Garanti BBVA CEO Recep Baştuğ stated, "We recognize the importance of empowering women for economic and social development, and we have been diligently focusing on this area for many years. In line with our inclusive growth strategy, we launched the “Women Who Know Their Accounts” program in the past months to help women discover their potentials and contribute to their active participation in the economy. Our goal is to support women in better managing their economies through basic financial education. In the training programs, we have valuable partners in the field from the non-governmental organizations FODER and KEDV. While online training continues with FODER, we have also started face-to-face training sessions with KEDV. Through these trainings, scheduled until the summer of 2024 in Istanbul, Izmir, Manisa, Muğla, Gaziantep, and Şanlıurfa, we aim to share information that encourages women not only in basic financial literacy but also in micro-entrepreneurship.

We are putting effort to ensure that the impact we create does not remain only at the awareness level. We want to facilitate the lives of women who do not have a banking product in their name, need support in managing their budgets, and require assistance in financial resources. As a financial institution, we will continue to provide all kinds of support by developing consultancy services and financing methods that cater to the needs of women. With the same mission, we will further expand the scope of our program to enable women to participate in employment.

Women Who Know Their Accounts is also supported by banking products...

Garanti BBVA offers special products and services to women experiencing banking services for the first time through the " Women Who Know Their Accounts " program. These include a fee-free Bonus credit card, a savings account that allows those who want to save to buy less than one gram of gold, private pension plans (BES) that can benefit their children, and microcredit products for those planning small-scale production, all aiming to support women's financial empowerment."

Garanti BBVA's "Women Who Know Their Accounts" Program Financial Literacy Trainings Started in Cooperation with KEDV


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