Garanti published its first “Integrated Annual Report”

Garanti published its first “Integrated Annual Report”

Garanti Bank became the first and only commercial bank in Turkey to publish its total value creation in 2017 as an integrated annual report within the IIRC’s (International Integrated Reporting Council) framework. Shaping its strategic priorities by reflecting the material issues of all stakeholders to its business model, Garanti shared in its Integrated Annual Report the realizations of 2017 performance indicators as well as forward looking expectations. Explaining how it structures its business model with integrated thinking, how it manages current and future risks & opportunities with its effective corporate governance and risk management, Garanti conveyed to its stakeholders its long-lived value creation aimed at contributing to responsible and sustainable development in a transparent and clear way. Furthermore, Garanti became the first company in Turkey to upload its Integrated Annual Report to the designated section on Public Disclosure Platform (KAP) developed by Central Registry Agency.

Garanti Bank CEO Fuat Erbil said, "In every step we take, we move ahead with the target of being among global best practices in international platforms. We have never limited our performance to only the financial value we create. We manage environmental, social and governance risks and measure the value we create for all of our stakeholders. We are aware of our impact and responsibility as we strive for sustainable development. We shape our business model, our activities under the connectivity of integrated thinking. Within this context, we participate and play leading role in several international initiatives such as United Nations Global Compact, Women's Empowerment Principles, Sustainable Development Goals and Environment Program Finance Initiative along with World Business Council for Sustainable Development, Global Reporting Initiative, International Integrated Reporting Council, CDP Climate and Water Programs, applying standards as a signatory.

With our responsible and sustainable banking approach, in addition to being listed in Borsa Istanbul Sustainability and Corporate Governance Indices; Garanti is listed in the FTSE4Good Index. Garanti is the only bank from Turkey listed in Dow Jones Sustainability Index, the only company from Turkey included in Bloomberg Gender Equality Index and the only financial institution worldwide to qualify for CDP 2017 Water A List.

With holistic value creation approach, we move forward with principles of trust, integrity, accountability and transparency. Acting with full responsibility, we see transparency beyond an obligation and place all our stakeholders at the center of our communications. At the core of Garanti’s success lies the trust of all our stakeholders in us. We will continue to work tirelessly with all our strength to be the pioneer of transformation."

Garanti published its first “Integrated Annual Report"


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