Issuance of Structured Bonds to Qualified Investors

Issuance of Structured Bonds to Qualified Investors

The issuance of the structured bonds in the nominal value of TRY 115.393.000 with a maturity of 80 days to be sold to qualified investors has been realized as of 14.06.2024 .


Board Decision Date  03.11.2022  
Related Issue Limit Info  
Currency Unit  TRY TRY
Issue Limit Security Type  Debt Securities- Structured Debt Securities Dept Securities
Sale Type  Public Offering- Private Placement-Sale To Qualified Investors Public Offering-Sale To Qualified Investor
Domestic / Overseas Domestic  Domestic 
Capital Market Instrument To Be Issued Info
Type  Structured Bond
Maturity Date  02.09.2024
Maturity (Day)  80
Interest Rate Type  FRN 
Sale Type  Sale To Qualified Investors 
Starting Date of Sale 12.06.2024
Ending Date of Sale 13.06.2024
Maturity Starting Date  14.06.2024
Nominal Value of Capital Market Instrument Sold  115.393.000
Coupon Number  1


Redemption Date 02.09.2024
Payment Date  02.09.2024
Was The Payment Made?  No


Issuance of Structured Bonds to Qualified Investors


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