Prospectus – Capital Markets Instrument Note
Prospectus – Capital Markets Instrument Note
Our application regarding the issuance of bank bonds in the nominal amount of TL 50,000,000 with a maturity of 101 days, and discounted bonds in the nominal amount of TL 225,000,000 with a maturity of 371 days was approved by the Capital Markets Board of Turkey on Mar 30, 2016.
In case of excess demand, the issuance of bank bonds and discounted bonds in the total nominal amount of TL 275,000,000 will be increased up to a total nominal amount of TL 400,000,000. The “Capital Markets Instrument Note”, approved by the Capital Markets Board of Turkey regarding the issuance of bank bonds and discounted bond is enclosed herewith.
Book-building of bank bonds and discounted bonds will take place on April 6-7-8 2016.
For your information.