Prospectus – Capital Markets Intermediary Note

Prospectus – Capital Markets Intermediary Note

It has been announced on November 26, 2015 that our bank has applied to the Capital Markets Board to issue bank bonds and/or debentures up to the aggregate amount of TL 12,000,000,000 in Turkish Lira currency with different types and maturities to be sold domestically by public offering within 1-year period.

Accordingly, the “Draft Capital Markets Intermediary Note”, which has been submitted for the approval of the Capital Markets Board, regarding the public offering of bank bonds and/or debentures up to the aggregate amount of TL 12,000,000,000 within 1-year period, is enclosed herewith.

In contradiction between the Turkish and English versions of this public disclosure, the Turkish version shall prevail.

Prospectus – Capital Markets Intermediary Note


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