Receipt of necessary approvals for the voluntary tender offer process and CMB approval to voluntary tender offer information memorandum
Receipt of necessary approvals for the voluntary tender offer process and CMB approval to voluntary tender offer information memorandum
Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria, S.A. (“BBVA”), has informed Türkiye Garanti Bankası A.Ş. (“Garanti BBVA”) of the following: In relation with the voluntary tender offer launched by BBVA for the entire share capital of Garanti BBVA (“VTO”), the relevant authorisations required, both in Turkey and in other jurisdictions, for the acquisition of more than 50% of Garanti BBVA total share capital were obtained. Accordingly, BBVA applied to the Capital Markets Board of Turkey (“CMB”) for its approval on the VTO and the information memorandum in accordance with Section 4 of the Communiqué on Takeover Bids (Pay Alım Teklifi Tebliği) no. II-26.1 (“Communiqué”). As of today, the CMB approved the information memorandum in accordance with Section 4 of the Communiqué in their letter numbered E-29833736-110.05.05-19391 and dated March 31, 2022.