Teachers Academy Foundation
Established in 2008 by Garanti BBVA , the Teachers Academy Foundation (ÖRAV) aims to support teachers, who are among the major pillars of the education system, in receiving the value that they deserve in society by showing that the profession of teaching requires special knowledge, talent and attitude. ÖRAV assists teachers in their leadership performances while raising the new generations who will shape the future and create a modern and healthy world.
Since it is established, ÖRAV has made efficient use of existing resources, enabling educators to acquire a perspective on new education methodologies, raise their competences and awareness, and also help them put these methods into practice in their schools and classrooms in order to deliver quality education. ÖRAV creates an environment in which teachers, who are responsible for raising the individuals equipped with the mental, social, emotional and digital skills required by the 21st century, can continuously develop themselves. The Foundation has reached a total of 11039 teachers in the 81 Turkish provinces in 2019.
In addition to ÖRAV's ongoing projects, its "eCampus Online Education Platform", which has been designed as a complementary platform for lifelong education and information sharing, renovated in February 2019 and has over 7915 active users.
Under the scope of its collaboration with the Ministry of Education, ÖRAV responds to all applications from volunteering schools and delivers its training programs free-of-charge. ÖRAV has different training programs suited for different target groups such as the educators who work in kindergarten, primary school, junior high school and high school level.

For further information, see: www.orav.org.tr
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Twitter: orav2008
Instagram: ogretmenakademisi vakfi