Retail Banking

Making A Difference Offering Need-Based Innovatıve Solutions Preffered

World Finance
“Best Retail Bank”
award in Türkiye

Multi-channel experience
offering speed, convenience
and satisfaction

Support focused on
Financial Health
via personalized and
proactive offers

32% share of consumer
loans in TL Loans

SME Banking

Preffered Bank Of SMEs

Global Finance “Best SME Bank” award in Türkiye

#1 among peers in SME customers’ Net Promoter Score

22% share of SME loans in TL Loans per BRSA definition

Contribution to sustainable and inclusive growth

Women Entreprenurship Program on its 15th th year
Total financing exceeded TL 11 billion
Education to over 3,500 women enterpreneurs
Women Entrepreneur Meetings supported to
empower over 10 thousand women
Women Entrepreneur Competition reached 42 thousand applications

Garanti BBVA Partners Entrepreneurship Acceleration
Program on its 7th th year
50 enterpreneurs supported in the program
Total financing received exceeded TL 30 million

Commercial & Corporate Banking

Primary Business Partner Of Customers

Effective customer
relationship management
and solution-oriented

Corporate Branches

Commercial Branches

Contribution to sustainable
60 billion TL

Energy efficiency

1st Corporate Green
Auto Loan in Türkiye

Payment Systems

Pioneering Innovation In Payment Systems

BonusFlaş ranked #1
in the Net Promoter Score
among peers

Highest YoY increase
among peers in Acquiring
volume - 56%

11 million Credit Cards

>700 thousand PoS

>430 thousand Merchants

2x YoY increase in
contactless transactions

4 million transactions via
cardless payment tool GarantiPay,
YoY turnover increase 70%

Digital Banking

Leading Digital Transformation

11 million digital
banking customers

10.6 million mobile
banking customers

>5400 ATMs

>500 set of functions on mobile

Digital channels’ share in non-cash
financial transactions 97.2%

19% share in mobile
financial transactions in Türkiye

>80% share of digital
channels in total unit sales

