As always, Garanti BBVA’s aim with this year’s integrated annual report is to provide a coherent story of its activities. The basis of this story is the materiality analysis materiality analysis which enables identification of the most relevant and important topics for Garanti BBVA and most relevant and important topics for Garanti BBVA and all its stakeholders, all its stakeholders, the material topics. Material topics are mainly determined based on dialogue with all internal and external dialogue with all internal and external stakeholders stakeholders and are then plotted in the materiality matrix. The topics defined within this matrix form the basis of this report as described in the ‘About This Report’ section. The Bank performed its first materiality analysis in 2013. first materiality analysis in 2013. As the Bank wants to make sure that it is always in line with the needs of its stakeholders and that the identified material issues are still the most important, it updates updates the materiality analysis approximately once in every approximately once in every two years.