In line with its priority to set up the best and most engaged team, employee centricity lies at the heart of each and every HR practice at Garanti BBVA.

Managing all its activities under the heading “Talent and Culture”, Garanti BBVA aims to create a culture that every employee will be proud and happy to be a part of.


Having identified seamless service delivery to the society, its stakeholders and customers as its primary responsibility being Türkiye’s leading financial institution, Garanti BBVA set its top priority as employee health, who ensure the permanence of this responsibility, and their needs in this respect.

What We Did in 2021
Every step taken is based, first and foremost, on protecting employee and customer health, and on managing this strategy in a balanced fashion. The steps and measures taken are handled under the headings of compliance with the recommendations and policies of regulatory authorities, arrangements in physical settings, fulfillment of employee needs, and reporting.

Currently, Garanti BBVA focuses on a talent strategy that preps, develops and supports the employees for their next role within a development model that aims to identify talents early in their careers, strives to increase employee awareness of career options and offers a personalized development plan. In this context, the Bank pursues alignment of the “talent solutions” practices with its fair and happiness-oriented culture that is also molded according to employee needs and is nurtured by the organization’s values.

The performance evaluation system at Garanti BBVA measures employee performance depending on the extent the objectives are attained and the extent the values are enforced while doing that. Systematic bonus and performance models are supported by concrete and measurable criteria during the assessment, and they serve as major and effective management tools for achieving cost management and efficiency, while ensuring fairness among the employees.

Aligned with the strategies of the BBVA Group and Garanti BBVA, the performance evaluation and People Assessment process assesses goals, values and competencies on the basis of more objective criteria. Employees’ sustainable performances and competency results are used as input for remuneration, career and development.

The technical competencies defined let employees view the degree of technical competencies expected of their roles. Thus, they become aware of what is anticipated of them together with behavioral competencies and pursue improvement opportunities accordingly.


Garanti BBVA promotes continuous learning culture which fully prepares the employees for the competencies of the present competencies of the present and the future and the future according to their needs.

What We Did in 2021
Garanti BBVA Training Center was rebranded Campus Garanti Campus Garanti BBVA, BBVA, and training and education activities were uniformed along with the system infrastructure to cover all affiliates.

Encouraging a culture of continuous learning, Garanti BBVA has combined all its educational activities under the umbrella of "Kampus Garanti BBVA" as of 2021.

During 2021, the digital learning platform was redesigned. the digital learning platform was redesigned. The new portal enables employees:

Track their learning performances more clearly Track their learning performances more clearly through the Learning Status Learning Status by Data field,

Access their training needs faster through learning suggestions, suggestions,

Reach a higher number of training content through the smart smart search feature.

